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Personize дигитална и PR агенция

Personize е дигитална и PR агенция, която силно вярва в персоналния подход и tailor-mode услугите – толкова, че измислихме нова дума, която обединява тези понятия и нарекохме агенцията си на нея.

Безкрайни възможности

We develop digital strategies, products and services that will matter.
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Чист и прегледен код

We are extremely proud to offer our clients the cleanest products possible.
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Актуализации и поддръжка

Our professional support team is always ready to assist you 24/7
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Защо да ни изберете

Специално отношение към всеки бизнес

Единствено с действия можем да ви уверим, че сме подходящи за вас.


An original team of creators designers & dreamers

People who are commited to their
management tasks.
Signed projects that have been
confirmed complete!
International awards and cups
for design projects.
huge honor

Our Awards

Our area of practice is quite wide: design, graphics, branding, development. The experts who work at our web design studio know exactly how to make your project unique, fresh, and profitable.

creative approach

We develop & create digital future.

For those who love videos, animation and motion graphics, we have come up with a new cool project!

about us

An original team of creators
designers & dreamers.

What We Do

Branding, websites and digital experiences, crafted with love, intelligence,
precision and style.

Piter Bowman

Creative Director

Amy Walker

Project Manager

David Green

Web Developer

Natalie Jones

Web Designer

Nick Carter

Project Manager

What Our Clients Say

All startup groups should get a consultation from your marketers prior to opening a business

Sam Smith

Sales Manager

My team is the best team in its niche. Subscribe to one of our plans and see it for yourself!

David Lee


Effective results with minimum efforts are key to successful business agencies! Thank you for your consultations!

John Lewis


Awesome! I love how easy it is to work on an art project with your team! The outcome is always amazing!

Lisa Brown


Effective results with minimum efforts from clients are key to successful business agencies! Thank you for your professional consultations for our project!

Kylie Rogers

Social Worker

What a great experience! I have visited one of the workshops and attended a masterclass, and both were super useful for young designers. Highly recommended.

Peter Parker

Designer, CEO
recent articles

From our blogs.